Saturday, May 7, 2016

SugarCRM CE | SuiteCRM-Add any field to Mass Update

If its a custom field that you added through studio then simply go into your sugar database and then the fields_meta_data table and find the row entry for your custom field.
Change the massupdate field from 0 to 1.

If its not a custom field added through studio then create a custom php file in this location:


and then add the following code for your specific field.

$dictionary['']['fields']['']['massupdate'] = 1;
Finally run a repair/rebuild and your field should be available on mass update panel.

SugarCRM and Suitecrm – Remove Mass Update From A Built In Module

This quick post will show you how to remove the mass update field from a built in module in SugarCRM or Suitecrm. This will also work for a module that has been deployed but it will not work properly for a module built using module builder. Well, it will work but as soon as you re-deploy the module the changes will be over-written.

For the purpose of this we will use the Account module and assume that it is this that we wish to remove the Mass Update panel from.

The first thing to do is create the file ‘view.list.php’ in /custom/modules/Account/views/ – If this path does not exist, simply create it and place the file in there.

Once that is done add the following code to the file.

if(!defined('sugarEntry') || !sugarEntry) die('Not A Valid Entry Point');


class AccountViewList extends ViewList
function listViewProcess()
$this->lv->showMassupdateFields = false;
This will remove the Mass update panel from the module. To adapt the above code for other modules simply change the name of the class from AccountViewList to ViewList and place it in the appropriate directory.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

[sugarcrm] Resolved SugarCRM “You have been logged out because your session has expired”

Upon trying to login to SugarCRM ealier today I kept getting an error stating “You have been logged out because your session has expired”. I knew the details were correct but no matter how many times I tried the same message kept coming up and I could not login. Upon fumbling around for a while I came across a couple of solutions, one of which resolved the problem. I explain these in more detail below:
Solution One – Session Directory Not Writable
This first solution wasn’t relevant in my case but I did see it mentioned a few times on my travels as a very likely resolution to the problem mentioned above and thought it worth a mention it here.
When you’re logged into SugarCRM it uses PHP sessions to store information about your current visit. This solution suggests that the directory where this session information is stored is not writable and therefore SugarCRM is unable to continue past the login screen.
So where is this directory? The first place to look is in your SugarCRM configuration file. This can found in the root of your SugarCRM installation and is in a file called config.php. Within this PHP file is a reference to where sessions will be stored. If this contains a valid path then ensure SugarCRM has permission to write to it.
If the above path in config.php is blank then SugarCRM will use the path set in the php.ini file. You can view what this is set to by creating a PHP file and entering the following:
  1. echo ini_get("session.save_path");  
Solution Two – Disk Out Of Space
The other possible cause of the error was that the disk where SugarCRM is located was out of space which was the case in my scenario. By simply deleting a few old backups and cleaning down unused files I was then able to login again immediately.


[sugarcrm] Supported Versions

SugarCRM regularly retires older versions of the Sugar application in order to be able to focus on delivering higher quality in the latest and upcoming product releases. See below for the list of currently supported versions and their end-of-life (EOL) plan.

End-of-Life Plan

The Sugar EOL plan applies to all On-Site versions and editions of the Sugar application, Sugar mobile solutions, and the Sugar Plug-ins, connectors, and extensions. Currently, only the latest released versions of the Sugar Connector for Marketo, Sugar mobile solutions, and the Sugar plug-ins for Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel, and IBM Notes are supported.
After the EOL dates below have passed, SugarCRM will no longer provide customer support, maintenance patches, or bug fixes for the listed versions. All available upgrade and maintenance patches available at the time of the end-of-life date for a given version will remain available for download but no additional packages will be produced from that point forward.
Version End-of-Life Date
Sugar 6.5.x 12 months from the GA release of
Sugar 7.5.x March 30, 2016
Sugar 7.6.x 9 months from the GA release of
Sugar Mobile Plus 12 months from the GA release of
Versions earlier than 6.5 are no longer supported. Please visit this page regularly for updates.

Upgrading to Supported Versions

To upgrade to the latest supported version, find upgrade packages on SourceForge if you use Community Edition or Download Manager for all other editions. After downloading the appropriate upgrade files, upload and install them using the Upgrade Wizard in the Administration page in your Sugar instance. The most current versions of the Sugar plug-ins and extensions can also be found within the Download Manager.
If you run into any issues with upgrading your commercial edition of Sugar, you can contact SugarCRM Support team by submitting a new case within the Case Tracker.

[Zurmo] Branding and Global Configuration

Once logged into, click the gear icon General-Icon-Pack-1_0037_settings.png and select “Administration” from the drop-down.  At the Administration screen, select Global Configuration

Application Name
This is the name which the system will identify itself.
Time zone
This is the system default timezone used as the default timezone for new users logging into for the first time.
Sublist page size
This is the default number of records that will display in sublists for all newly created users.
List page size
This is the default number of records that will display in List views for all newly created users.
Dashboard portlet list page size
This is the default number of records that will display in Portlets. This is set globally for all users here.
Popup list page size
This is the default number of records that will display in Pop lists from where the user can select a record. This is set globally for all users here.
Default From Email Address
For system notifications, specify the default email address.
Default Test To Email Address
For use with the Testing Outbound Email Connection Job.
ReCaptcha Private Key
For use with Web Forms to enable Captcha. A private key can be generated at
ReCaptcha Public Key
For use with Web Forms to enable Captcha. A public key can be generated at

Enable game notification popup
Globally enables/disables the game notification popups for all users
Enable game collection popup
Globally enables/disables the game collection notification popups for all users
Enable game coin popup
Globally enables/disables the game coin notification popups for all users
Enable real-time updates
Globally enables/disables real-time desktop notifications for all users. This can also be controlled individually by users in their User Profile. Requires browser plugin.

[Vtiger] Scheduler Cron Job Not Working: Access Denied

Here is the working method to run cron job with vtiger 6 under any linux, unix type host, even the shared hosts.

1. edit the /vtiger_root/vtigercron.php file.
in the line 42 there is a condition php_sapi === "cli" . change the "cli" value to the right php_sapi value of your server. it can be different server by server.
to obtain the right php_sapi value insert a line before the line 42 to this file.
the inserted line is: echo(php_sapi."\n");
it will echo your php_sapi value.

save the change.

2. edit the /vtiger_root/cron/ file.
comment out all shell commands from this file and put the following command instead of:
wget http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/vtigercron.php -o /vtiger_root/log/cronlog.txt

save the change.

3. create an empty text file in the /vtiger_root/log/ folder with the name cronlog.txt

4. set the correct access permissions for the above mentioned files:
cronlog.txt chmod 755 chmod 755
vtigercron.php chmod 755

755 is enough. the most of system will show 'error 500' if a file has 777 permissions. it is the security issue.

5. create a cron job using the proper interface (for example in the c-panel there is an interface for the setup cron jobs):

*/15 * * * * sh /vtiger_root/cron/ >/dev/null 2>&1

this command will run in every 15 minutes and call the that will execute the vtigercron.php file. the result of executing with all messages will save into the /vtiger_root/log/cronlog.txt

after the first run of the cron you should check the content of the cronlog.txt. the first line of the file will show you the exact value of the php_sapi in your server.

6. go back to the point 1, the /vtiger_root/vtigercron.php file
and change the "cli" value to the right php_sapi value of your server.

comment out or delete the line echo(php_sapi."\n");
and save your change.

7. check the content of the /vtiger_root/log/cronlog.txt after the new run of the cron job.
the file will show the exact state of the crons. you will see something like these lines:
[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,instance,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","",[starts]
[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,workflow,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","",[starts]

[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,workflow,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","2014-04-05 12:45:01",[ends]
[info] recurringinvoice - not ready to run as the time to run again is not completed
[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,sendreminder,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","",[starts]

[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,sendreminder,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","2014-04-05 12:45:01",[ends]
[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,mailscanner,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","",[starts]
no mailbox configured for scanning!
[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,mailscanner,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","2014-04-05 12:45:01",[ends]
[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,scheduled import,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","",[starts]

[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,scheduled import,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","2014-04-05 12:45:02",[ends]
[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,instance,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","2014-04-05 12:45:02",[ends]

8. check the vtiger 6 admin settings section "scheduler" and check the state of crons.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

[sugarcrm6.5] Reset selected users preference from ListView (for developer)

The second way for reset multil user:
You can create class or new action then you get ids of select users which you want to reset prefence.
You develop to loop through it and use following my code to reset:

$u = new User();