Here is the working method to run cron job with vtiger 6 under any linux, unix type host, even the shared hosts.
1. edit the /vtiger_root/vtigercron.php file.
in the line 42 there is
a condition php_sapi === "cli" . change the "cli" value to the right
php_sapi value of your server. it can be different server by server.
to obtain the right php_sapi value insert a line before the line 42 to this file.
the inserted line is: echo(php_sapi."\n");
it will echo your php_sapi value.
save the change.
2. edit the /vtiger_root/cron/ file.
comment out all shell commands from this file and put the following command instead of:
wget http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/vtigercron.php -o /vtiger_root/log/cronlog.txt
save the change.
3. create an empty text file in the /vtiger_root/log/ folder with the name cronlog.txt
4. set the correct access permissions for the above mentioned files:
cronlog.txt chmod 755 chmod 755
vtigercron.php chmod 755
755 is enough. the most of system will show 'error 500' if a file has 777 permissions. it is the security issue.
5. create a cron job using the proper interface (for example in the c-panel there is an interface for the setup cron jobs):
*/15 * * * * sh /vtiger_root/cron/ >/dev/null 2>&1
command will run in every 15 minutes and call the that
will execute the vtigercron.php file. the result of executing with all
messages will save into the /vtiger_root/log/cronlog.txt
the first run of the cron you should check the content of the
cronlog.txt. the first line of the file will show you the exact value of
the php_sapi in your server.
6. go back to the point 1, the /vtiger_root/vtigercron.php file
and change the "cli" value to the right php_sapi value of your server.
comment out or delete the line echo(php_sapi."\n");
and save your change.
7. check the content of the /vtiger_root/log/cronlog.txt after the new run of the cron job.
the file will show the exact state of the crons. you will see something like these lines:
[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,instance,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","",[starts]
[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,workflow,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","",[starts]
[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,workflow,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","2014-04-05 12:45:01",[ends]
[info] recurringinvoice - not ready to run as the time to run again is not completed
[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,sendreminder,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","",[starts]
[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,sendreminder,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","2014-04-05 12:45:01",[ends]
[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,mailscanner,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","",[starts]
no mailbox configured for scanning!
[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,mailscanner,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","2014-04-05 12:45:01",[ends]
[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,scheduled import,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","",[starts]
[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,scheduled import,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","2014-04-05 12:45:02",[ends]
[cron],"1396701901.848",http://yourdomain_vtigerurl/,instance,"2014-04-05 12:45:01","2014-04-05 12:45:02",[ends]
8. check the vtiger 6 admin settings section "scheduler" and check the state of crons.
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